True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God, by Bob Kauflin
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True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God, by Bob Kauflin

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The question is not “Are you a worshiper?” but rather “What kind of a worshiper are you?”
In True Worshipers, Bob Kauflin, a seasoned pastor and musician, opens our eyes to the massive significance of being the type of worshiper God is seeking. Rooted in the gospel of grace and filled with practical application, this book aims to connect Sunday morning to the rest of your life—helping you fulfill your calling to be a true worshiper each and every day.
True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God, by Bob Kauflin - Amazon Sales Rank: #85632 in Books
- Published on: 2015-09-30
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.00" h x .40" w x 5.25" l, .50 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 176 pages
True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God, by Bob Kauflin Review
“This important book will inform, instruct and inspire. Bob reminds us there’s a reason behind our rejoicing, and there’s substance beneath our singing. Bob patrols the theological borders of this book like a trusty doberman who won’t allow you to trespass into unhealthy attitudes and approaches in worship. But for all the patrolling, there’s even more pastoring. As you read the pages of this book, be open to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Be ready for him to guide you, remind you, re-align you, or surprise you—for your greater good and his greater glory.”—Matt Redman, recording artist; songwriter; worship leader, Brighton
“Brilliant. Freeing. Needed. Worship is often limited to the walls of the church. In True Worshipers, Bob Kauflin reminds us that worship isn’t a Sunday morning routine but rather an everyday lifestyle.”—Louie Giglio, Pastor, Passion City Church, Atlanta; Founder, Passion Conferences
“This book brings together years of experience, prayer, study, and discovery in a way that informs and inspires. For those passionate about growing deeper in their understanding of worship, this book is a fantastic and thought-provoking read!”—Tim Hughes, singer-songwriter; Director, Worship Central
“True Worshipers is an incredibly helpful book for understanding what it means to worship God. It goes beyond our sanctuaries and stages, but it always starts with God. And it always starts with our hearts. I am grateful for Bob Kauflin’s refreshing honesty and humility as he shares from his experience. This book will be my first recommendation for those wanting to lead worship, as well as anyone seeking to deepen his or her relationship with God.”—Lauren Chandler, writer; speaker; singer; wife of Matt Chandler, The Village Church, Flower Mound, Texas
“Bob Kauflin helps us prepare here and now for what we will spend an eternity doing in heaven—worshiping in spirit and in truth the One seated on the throne, singing the song of the Lamb. Nothing could be more important than this ‘dress rehearsal’ of worship.”—Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, author; Radio Host, Revive Our Hearts
“Bob Kauflin presents a balanced, mature, biblical understanding of worship. He is concerned above all for the heart—for the depth and authenticity of our relationship with God—which so often gets lost in the controversies over styles and traditions. I profited from this book, and in it Bob challenged the quality of my worship.”—John M. Frame, J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“With simplicity and clarity, Bob Kauflin tackles issues he has seen Christians struggle with in the years he has been a pastor, many of which relate to our gatherings. Bob confronts misconceptions about worship in an engaging way, relating everything to Scripture and incorporating helpful insights from other writers. Here is a book to put into the hands of any believer who is searching for answers about this vitally important topic.”—David Peterson, former Principal, Oak Hill College; Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in New Testament, Moore Theological College
“At a time when we so casually label all manner of products, conferences, and ministries with the adjective ‘worship,’ Bob’s clear, practical, inspiring, and thoroughly biblical book brings us back to the heart of what is means to be a worshiper of God. Highly recommended.”—Stuart Townend, Christian songwriter
“I am so thankful for the guidance Bob Kauflin gives us in True Worshipers. Bob writes as a pastor who understands what’s at stake when we talk about worship, connecting our practices as the church gathered to the much bigger, all-of-life reality of worship. True Worshipers is a book for all Christians who want to deepen their practices as worshipers and deepen their intimacy with God.”—Mike Cosper, Pastor of Worship and Arts, Sojourn Community Church, Louisville, Kentucky
“It’s sad but true: while few things are more fundamental in our lives than worship, few things are more misunderstood. What Worship Matters did for worship leaders True Worshipers does for the rest of us—it draws our attention to what is most important when we think about worship. As a pastor, I’m grateful for the role this book will play in cultivating true worship in our church. As a Christian, I’m grateful this book challenges me to live my entire life delighting in, exalting, and serving the Savior. And as Bob’s friend for the past four decades, I can tell you he is a compelling example of what is written on every page of this book.”—C. J. Mahaney, Senior Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
“Bob Kauflin is a good friend who is always quick to encourage all that is good about writing, singing, and living the gospel. We encourage you to read anything he writes!”—Keith and Kristyn Getty, hymn writers; recording artists
About the Author
Bob Kauflin is a pastor, songwriter, worship leader, and author with over thirty-five years experience. After pastoring for 12 years, he became director of Sovereign Grace Music in 1997. He oversees the production of their albums and teaches on congregational worship through WorshipGod conferences, seminars, and his blog, He is currently an elder at Sovereign Grace Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He and his wife, Julie, have six children and an ever-growing number of grandchildren.

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Most helpful customer reviews
7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. " This fantastic book by Bob Kauflin takes that truth and greatly ... By Kyle Robertson About a month ago a talented young woman in our church sang "Worship is More Than a Song", which says "You can sing all you want to and still get it wrong...Worship is more than a song." This fantastic book by Bob Kauflin takes that truth and greatly expands on it.Worship is an ever-present hot topic. There is a growing trend of people packing arenas and coliseums to attend conferences with speakers and worship/praise bands. While this seems good, we also have to realize that this trend permeates into the local churches and can cause problems. Heated debates and even church splits often come from the decision to incorporate more contemporary worship music and styles into services that are strictly traditional. In this book, Kauflin is quick to clarify that, no matter what side you're on, it is the worship of God that matters. When you cut out the performance and technological aspects of contemporary worship, the gospel truths and theological foundations must still be present. As Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well, "True worshipers worship the Father in spirit and truth."One interesting part at the beginning of the book discusses Adam and Eve. Kauflin points out that Adam and Eve's entire existence revolved around God. They were made worshiping God, until they ate the forbidden fruit and their worship was redirected to worshiping themselves. As a result, all creation plunged into futility and despair. Then, at the first recorded worship service, Cain and Abel each brought an offering to the Lord. The end result was one worshiper killing the other. Jesus is God's ultimate statement that He will provide a way for us to worship Him - not only in this life but for all eternity.I love the quote from theologian Derek Kidner that worship that is acceptable and good "must be more than flattery and more than guess-work. It is the loving homage of the committed to the Revealed." Worship in the wrong direction is called idolatry. Many things in our lives today can be considered idols. We turn to them (or worship them) looking for satisfaction, comfort, security or joy, when we need to focus solely on God and how He is working in our lives. God never intended us to exalt Him on Sunday morning with other Christians and remain quiet about Him the rest of the week. True worshipers, like the Samaritan woman, can't hold it in.In all aspects of worship we must make sure that God is exalted above all else. Kauflin discusses different things that can distract us and make us lose focus in worship, and he also discusses tips to keep from being distracted in order to focus on exalting God.The final chapter of the book gives us a glimpse of what we might expect in Heaven (drawing from verses in Revelation), and how we can direct our worship to prepare us for the coming of our Lord and Savior. He also focuses on the persecuted church - how we can prepare ourselves and be confident and assured that "the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of the Lord and of His Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever" (Revelation 11:15).I would definitely recommend this book to all Christians, young and old. Kauflin does a great job presenting the material, drawing on his 35 years of experience as a worship leader. The book is saturated with scripture, relying heavily on Psalms in particular, as well as many quotes from prominent biblical scholars. There is also a notes section in the back of the book where you can find numerous other writings, books, and websites to explore the art of worship more in depth.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. The True Worshiper: Depending; Expecting; and Responding By Dr Conrade Yap If you attend a Church regularly, you will be familiar with the overall pattern of a Sunday Church service. There is a welcome or a call to worship. Then there is the singing, sometimes called worship, other times called singspiration. This is followed by a congregational prayer, announcements, or presentations before the sermon. The benediction or the closing song occur at the end of the service. For people who think worship is just about going to Church, or singing songs, or performing rituals and acts of religious devotions, think again. Worship is more than all of that combined. According to author Bob Kauflin, worship is about seeking after God and what matters to God. We worship God because God is worthy of our worship.Kauflin is worship leader and Church planter, who desires to play a role in equipping leaders in the worship arena. He has previously served with a contemporary Christian band called GLAD before leaving to join the Sovereign Grace Ministries. He is songwriter, speaker, and also a worshiper. In this book, he shares from his heart his experience and heart for leading people into deeper and more meaningful worship. He traces back to his early years and observes how worship has become "a movement, a phenomenon, and in many places, an industry." The trouble is, worship is much more than that. Our chief end in life is worshiping God. He lists down some of the problems with modern day worship:- How do we worship when our daily experiences do not reflect God's goodness?- What do we do when our Sunday worship does not seem to bring life?- What happens when there are conflicts over worship styles despite everyone saying they honour God?- Why is it that worship does not seem to be relevant to our daily lives?Kauflin deals with these questions sensitively. He notes that while worship is ultimately about God, it is not solely about God. Worship is like what Jesus says to the Samaritan woman at the well, the true worship is in Spirit and in Truth. He lists down nine ways in which we can return to our calling to be true worshipers of God. First, in God's eyes, we matter. Worship is an integral part of our faith. Second, we begin with what God has given, and what we received from Him. That means we recognize that God is in the beginning and without God, there is no worship in the first place. On our own, we cannot worship. The gospel is about receiving that free gift and worship is our response to such grace. Worship is both Word and emotions. It flows from the Word and the Spirit enables us. True worshipers always remember that they are receivers first. Third, true worshipers exalt God up high. Kauflin warns us that the wrong directional worship is idolatry. That is why we need to learn to lift up God alone up high. Exalting means more than just lifting up our hands or raising our voices. It is a response of deep affection in our hearts, highest attributes in our minds, and soulful worship of love. This includes our acts of worship that exalts God in our works. Fourth, worship is about togetherness. We worship God not just with our whole beings but together united as a community. When we come together, we celebrate the gospel and the receiving of God's grace together. Fifth, worshipers honour God by edifying one another. All things done in churches need to be done in a manner that build people up. Sixth, true worshipers sing. It is very common to see people in church just refusing to join in the chorus or to open their mouths to sing, for whatever reasons. Some blame it on the worship leader's choice of songs. Others refuse to sing when they do not like the songs. Kauflin gives several reasons why we ought to sing, regardless of how we feel. Singing is obeying God. God sings, and so must we. Singing comes out of a knowledge of Scripture. That is powerful. Singing lets the Spirit express His work in us. Singing helps us remember God's Word, makes us teachable, engages our emotions, encourages us to worship not only with our mouths but with our whole bodies. Most importantly, singing together is a great expression of unity. Seventh, true worshipers persevere in singing together. When we hear people around us sing, we are usually encouraged to do the same. Likewise, if people around us do not sing, we may start to question ourselves: "Why bother to sing?" One issue that Kauflin deals with is about people who do not feel like the words represent what they feel. It all boils to our understanding of grace. We sing songs of worship not because we feel like it or we deserve it. We sing because we are recipients of God's grace. We sing because we have been forgiven. We sing primarily out of a heart of confidence in God rather than pride in our own abilities. Even songs that are theologically shallow can be useful, especially when we can impart theological truths wherever appropriate. Perhaps, the song is itself an opportunity for us to fill in the gaps? Eighth, true worshipers encounter God. This has less to do with experiencing God every time and more to do with expecting God every time. Ninth, true worshipers anticipate God's great working in our lives both present and future. We learn to boast in the Lord. We learn to trust God more. We learn that even when we do not understand our present world, the time will come when God reveals all things.I appreciate Kauflin's three points of advice, that we ought to have the attitudes of: 1) Desperate dependence; 2) Eager Expectation; and 3) Humble Responsiveness. Desperate dependence is a result of recognizing without God we can do nothing. We remind ourselves that it all begins and ends with God. What role we play completely depends on God. In Eager Expectation, we come to worship to expect the encounter with God. There is something mysterious and exciting about it, that God can choose to appear or to let us wait it out. The Word of God is often the main channel of God speaking to us. We need to be like the piano string, to respond when the Spirit strikes out heart strings. Finally, Humble Responsiveness is an act of obedience. We respond to what has already been revealed instead of waiting passively for questions that God have chosen to delay answering.This book on worship is a hearty exhortation for us to let worship be the key purpose as we gather as a community. Worship is more than singing songs. It is about God, and whatever we do, we do so with God's glory in mind. For worship leaders, this song affirms their ministry and the importance of helping worshipers understand that the songs are a means to an end, and not an end in themselves. For pastors and preachers, worship is very much both the singing and the preaching. Incorporate worship songs into the sermons. Utilize the verses and choruses where appropriate to let the whole service be integrated as one. For lay persons, this book may very well inject life into a lifeless and mundane act of singing and celebrating. I like Kauflin's conclusion:"True worshipers hold fast to the hope that one day we will do nothing but boast in the Lord."Worship is exciting, as long as we come with desperate desires of God, expectant hearts in God, and humble obedience for God. Amen.Rating: 4 stars of 5.conradeThis book is provided to me courtesy of Crossway Publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Encouragement to make worship our highest goal By Joan N. Kauflin encourages us to see worship “as our highest goal, our loftiest aim – the great purpose of our existence.” There is no higher goal than to revel in our great and awesome God. But what does that mean? Right now. Today. Sunday.He reminds us that true worshipers worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24). That is worship springing from a sincere heart and lining up with the truth of God's Word. We can only do that through the work of Christ. He emphasizes our inability to worship God unless He draws us by grace and reveals Himself through His Word.The essence of worship, Kauflin says, is exalting God in our hearts and actions. He suggests a good way to begin is to remember that God exists in every situation. Right now. He also writes about the importance of gathering in community to worship. He wrote quite a bit about music too, why we sing, why we must sing. He also covers what we are to expect when we worship, including edifying one another. He ends the book with worship in heaven.I like the way Kauflin has given us the essentials of worship. He could have written a longer book, he says, but wanted something that covered the questions he has been asked over the years and the areas where he has seen Christians struggle. I like how he clarifies when worship happens. It is not just something on Sunday morning. It is to be the totality of our lives.This is a good introduction to worship, what it is, how we do it, and why we do it. I highly recommend it to those who want to make worshiping God their highest goal.I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God, by Bob Kauflin
True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God, by Bob Kauflin
True Worshipers: Seeking What Matters to God, by Bob Kauflin