Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano
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Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano

Best Ebook PDF Online Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano
In a world where monsters roam, and where men are monstrous, three young outcasts struggle to survive. Grillis was born cursed, one side of his face marred by a dark red stain. Because of it, the people of Bonnehampton want nothing to do with him. The only person to ever show him any kindness was his grandmother. And now she's dead. Athemon is of the Caprine race, and therefore condemned to a life of poverty and persecution. When he learns that his race can be a source of power instead of oppression, he claims that power eagerly. But payback comes with a cost of its own. Verlvik's tribe lives in the depths of the unconquered forests, where the power of the Great Goddess holds sway. What She claims must be given. And what She claims is Verlvik's very life. Grillis, Athemon, and Verlvik--rejected by their peoples and thrown together by the fates. Brotherhood offers their only hope of redemption. But brotherhood isn't something they were born into, it's something they must earn. This is a complete, standalone novel with no cliffhanger ending.
Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano - Amazon Sales Rank: #448338 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-05-01
- Released on: 2015-05-01
- Format: Kindle eBook
Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano Review "Robert Jordan meets Carlos Castaneda... Blood Brothers honors the dungeon-crawling genre, but also manages to turn many of its conventions upside down. The settings are immersive, the action is visceral, and the story touches on a dizzying variety of topics--racism and class prejudice, civilization and savagery, organized religion and mystic spirituality--without getting too preachy about anything. A special book... highly recommended." -Skullkrusher Reviews"Couldn't put it down... I loved this book, I got pulled in from the start and finished it in about three days. Really well written, excellent characters, I even cried a bit! Looking forward to Mr Soriano's next work." -mpfc, posted on
About the Author M.F. Soriano got his first job at the age of twelve. In the more than two decades that have passed since then, he’s worked as a nurseryman in a tree farm, a deckhand on a tall ship, a front desk receptionist in a psychological services center. He’s been a bartender in Britain, an English teacher in Spain, and a drummer for a rock band in Mexico. Through it all, ever since he first sat down and actually thought of what he wanted to do for a living, he’s wanted to be a writer. Blood Brothers is his first completed novel.

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Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Excellent beginning to a series By humanitysdarkerside "Blood Brothers" is Soriano's first completed fantasy novel although he has previously published some work under the pseudonym of Don Broma. It is the first one in a series, something that means that we actually get an ending - something I really like. I also really liked the cover designed by Streetlight Graphics. Soriano actually managed to include the name of the cover designer. I wish all authors could do that, even if the designer is themselves.I have to say that my favorite character was Verlvik. There was absolutely no competition in my mind. He is so completely alien to my way of thinking and yet completely magnetic. This is what I mean by alien:"The bird let out another chirp, and then broke out in song. High exultant trills that soared up in bright melody, and then dipped into lovely low warbles. Verlvik's lips split into a wide grin. It delighted him that such a small creature could be so full of life.For several minutes the bird poured its heart into its wondrous song. And then, as if singing weren't enough, it started dancing too. It bowed its cherry head low, spread its brilliant wings, and started hopping forward and back.Verlvik pushed the locks of his hair out of his face, and turned his head slightly to the left, to get a better view of the bird with his good eye. The tiny bird, apparently pleased to found an attentitive audience, abandoned itself to its performance. I began to spin like a little top, its bright wings flashing in the sun."Here Soriano has set me up with an image of a perfect moment in life. The vividness and feeling of this picture is so clear. And then he hits me in the head with a hammer:"One of the bird's spins brought it within Verlvik's reach, and quicker than a cat he'd snatched the bird up and popped it into his mouth. Its little skull cracked like a nut between his teeth, splashing his tongue with a burst of rich flavor. Its delicate ribs splintered as he chewed, and pricked the inside of his lips, salting the meal with a hint of his own blood. He closed his eyes and munched away happily."Say what? My mouth practically fell open. Then I laughed and was completely in love. A better job at setting me up has seldom been done. The superlatives are lining up. A character like Verlvik has never come my way before.Grillis is the first one we are introduced to. He is about 18 years old and is now alone in the world. Because of a facial birthmark others tend to avoid him and he has been bullied some. He was raised by his grandmother and well-loved. Because of this love he has learned the ability to trust, something that will come in handy for him but also bring him trouble. Grillis is also the kind of person that just keeps on going. We meet Grillis a lot in fantasy literature and I have to say that putting him first fooled me into thinking that this was a regular hero's journey novel. "Blood Brothers" is not quite that but it does have elements of it.Athemon is a character I understand. He has grown up bullied for who he is, growing up among a people who have been taught that they are less than the others. We get a taste of that bullying in his introduction. I have to say that my heart-strings were playing low notes in reading about the way he was treated by "his betters" and how his father reacted to that treatment. Sad, sad, sad. One day Athemon has had enough and his revenge is sweet.All three characters are brought together and together they have to fight some really bad guys. If I was going to guess at target group it would be somewhere in the YA range and up. Maybe not too young because of some of the violence.One of our characters is human, the other is a caprine and the third a pictsee. The story is told from each person's point of view and that means, of course, that we switch between Grillis, Athemon and Verlvik.When switching between characters like Soriano has done it can be difficult to keep in the flow. As I am sure you could tell from the quote above, Soriano definitely has a feel for the flow and he stayed in it a lot of the time. When he falls out he manages to find a way in. This is an excellent quality and it is obvious that Soriano has a talent for the craft. Every once in a while I felt preached to. All it takes to get that away is a little more editing and that will probably hurt.[...]
5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Bound to Read This One By Rhubarb I'd give 3 1/2 stars to this book, if Amazon ratings allowed it. Soriano is a fine author, and can only improve as he hones his craft.The good: vivid writing, descriptions of city and forest.Characters well-drawn, individual, memorable.POV changes handled quite well and the reader never gets lost.There are very few errors in punctuation and some homophone confusions (caste for cast, for instance).Oh...and best of all, a good plot.The bad: fight scenes go on and on, in all their gory detail.At times the book felt a bit preachy, proselytizing against cities, praising the forest primeval.As a person with native American heritage myself, I cringed at the green-skinned forest boy's introductory characterization and initiation, though the story recovered nicely at Chapter 16 and moved along well after that, with Verlvik less of a stereotype and more of a real character.Also there is occasional unevenness--at times the writing is formal and stilted, at other times the author uses modern colloquial expressions which seem out of place.Be sure to read the last section (in the cathedral) slowly, savoring the rich use of descriptive language. In spite of the gruesome (and somewhat tedious) blow by blow, cut by cut scenes of torture and fighting, when describing the fire, the power of language that the author displays is incredible.I'd love to read the sequel.I received a free copy (usual disclaimer here).
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. "Blood Brothers"... the Pros and Cons... 3 1/2 Stars By R. Nicholson "Blood Brothers" (Bound By Blood 1) is quasi-fantasy adventure by author M.F. Soriano. This Kindle e-book was approximately 368 printed pages and sold for $3.99 at the time of writing this review.Please Note: the author provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.Spoilers (general theme)Three young men of vastly different races find themselves thrown together by chance to try and save their realm from the clutches of an evil religious cult. The only thing they've in common is that they're all outcasts from their respective societies and each has his own unique, but at this point, ill-define talent. This then is the tale of Grillis (human), Athmon (caprine) and Verlvik (a pictsee healer)... detailing their individual situations, their coming together and events that require a blending their particular skills to survive.End SpoilersThe Pros:1.) a well written and intriguing tale.2.) a nice blend of action and drama. Lots of tense encounters yet there was still some very good character development.3.) scenes of encounters between men that were violent and savage. Some scenes that could only be described as stunningly visceral and intense.4.) skillful prose that had a nice flow, making for an easy read. In addition, I didn't notice a single grammatical or spelling mistake.Some Concerns:1.) no map... a tale with a fair amount of travel. A map with direction, distances and topography, while not an absolute necessity, would have enhanced this work.2.) while there was lots of action in this story there were also a couple of areas what I'd consider excessively descriptive... e.g. Verlvik's transformation scene with Kalvrava that took place over a couple of chapters. And while this incident (and others like it) were related to the overall story, they just dragged on to the point I felt an urge to skim. Kind of a feeling like... Ok, Ok, I've got the idea, now let's get on with it.3.) there seemed to be moments when one of our heroes were emotionally stunned by the severity of some dire moment... unable to react when action was definitely needed. The concern was that this seemed to occur just too often to be realistic.Impression:A book that was AT TIMES, one of the best books I've read in ages when it comes to intense encounters that could only be meant for an Adult reader. But then there were just a few too many moments that had a writing quality that one would expect to find in a Young Adult book.And that in a nutshell maybe the book's biggest drawback... the mixing of many areas of superb hard core Adult story-telling with parts that seemed in many ways, almost Young Adult-ish. It made for tale that had parts where I could barely wait to turn the page to other sections where I started skimming to get through.Not just good, but great in so many ways... it just needed more focus on its intended audience.As it is... 3 1/2 StarsRay
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Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano
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Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano
Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano
Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano
Blood Brothers: A Novel of Epic Fantasy, by M.F. Soriano