Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas
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Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas

Best Ebook PDF Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas
On the road and gaining ground against Fujiwara, Sanaa and her team find the local population hesitant to accept them. Charm and bribes can only get the colonists so far, and no matter what Sanaa does, she is not welcomed amongst the men and women of Yūsei. When Sanaa is denied help again, she reaches out to a Northern clan, the Odas, and bargains for a secret technology that will give her an incredible advantage but comes at a steep price. Being on the road means leaving Yamato undefended, though, and when enemies strike, they leave everything in chaos. With Sanaa and Jiro sacrificing all their time and effort to keeping their home secure, they both must give up nearly everything to save the colonization, their future together, and reclaim Yūsei for its people. Family lines collide, secrets are finally spoken, and the freedom of Yūsei is in the hands of one woman determined to find equality and justice for everyone on the planet. RECLAIMED, Book FOUR of the Nogiku Series, is the FINAL book in a captivating post-apocalyptic romance series that harnesses the cultures and traditions of Japan and sweeps them into the future between Earth and a faraway land.
Own the entire NOGIKU SERIES
Removed (Book #1) - Released (Book #2) - Reunited (Book #3) - Reclaimed (Book #4) - The final book of the series!
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Those that love The Nogiku Series also love: Science Fiction Romance, Science Fiction With Romantic Elements, Japan, Japanese, Strong Female Protagonists, Post-apocalyptic Science Fiction, Futuristic Science Fiction, and Dystopian Novels and Worlds. The Nogiku Series will make you fall in love with Japan and all of its cultures and traditions, from kimonos, sake, and swords to romance, sex, and secrets. **RECLAIMED is a true series novel. Please read REMOVED, RELEASED, and REUNITED before reading this novel.
Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas - Amazon Sales Rank: #422946 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-05-28
- Released on: 2015-05-28
- Format: Kindle eBook
Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas From the Author Reviews are important! They not only help other readers decide what to read, but reviews also help promote authors so they can continue to write for their audience. Please consider leaving a review of this novel! All reviews are appreciated, positive or negative.
About the Author Stephanie (S. J.) is a writer, knitter, amateur astrologer, Capricorn, and Japanophile. She loves foxes, owls, sushi, yoga pants, Evernote, and black tea. When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing or spending time outside, unless it’s winter. She hates winter. Someday she’ll own a house in both hemispheres so she can avoid the season entirely. She’s a mom to two great kids and lives with her husband and family outside NYC. They have no pets. Yet. When it comes to her work, expect the unexpected. She doesn’t write anything typical. Find her online at

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Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Reclaimed By Lola I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.I love Pajonas her Nogiku series and I was both excited and sad because this book is the last book in this series. I love Pajonas her writing style and the slow pace really fits this story. In Reclaimed Sanaa is trying to find allies, but it isn’t easy. This book really is a struggle for her, Sanaa loses so much and gains only a little, although a few very important things. My favourite aspect of this book were the animals, there’s a twist involving the animals which I loved. It felt a bit like the series took a different direction with that, but there were already some clues in the previous books, I just never had expected this.One of the things that troubled me a bit in this book was my lack of remembering names and the lack of having a map of the country next to me. I am pretty bad with remembering names and it seems even worse when reading books with lots of side characters, then names all sort of start blurring together and I had a lot of trouble keeping some side characters apart. It didn’t help there are two clan related people who’s name both start with an M and half the time I couldn’t remember who was who just that they belonged to a clan. That was enough to follow the plot, but it felt like I was missing pieces as I read the previous books so long ago. Also there is a map of Yusei and make sure to look it up before you start this book. Halfway I had enough and picked up my copy of book 3 and looked up the map so I could get my bearings. There were some scenes where I lost track of where they are and in my opinion the map is absolutely necessary to keep track of where is whom and how everything is located in comparison to everything else.This book is a lot about the characters and maybe even more so than the previous books. I actually liked Sanaa less in this book and on the other hand felt really sorry for her. She goes through so much in this book and it was just hard to see her struggle. It was too much at times and I just wish she would get a break as I got tired from her never sleeping or eating well. I just wanted to cook for her and force her to eat as she was breaking her own body. Pajonas also shows how that impacts her and she feels the effect of the bad eating and sleeping, which I was happy with as it was realistic. I’ve read a few books where the characters keep going on even though the should be falling apart, so I was happy that wans’t the cae here. I just felt like it was a bit too much at times, I wanted to have some happy moments as well, but those are rare. There is so much sadness and hardship in her life, it just doesn’t seem fair.Even though it’s the last book in the series there are a lot of new characters we meet. My favourites where some of the animals, the owl was so adorable and one of my favourite new animals in this book. Then there are some new characters who end up playing a big role and some surprising twists where some characters are involved. There are also some unfortunate turns with some characters which made me really sad, everyone loses so much.The whole book felt a bit sad, due to Sanaa, but also do to the events that happen. There were some fun scenes, but mostly I just felt bad for Sanaa or sad. She sacrifices so much for this country and her people and she get’s so little back. She sacrificed almost everything she has and the ending felt a bit unsatisfactory as I felt like she still didn’t get the ending she deserved. She was still trapped, but on the other hand I did like how realistic it was, not all her problems are solved in one day. Although it also leaves a few too many open threads, but the main plot get’s resolved. Also a certain scene at the ending felt a bit too easy, it still felt like it went a little too easy and like they didn’t really need the help they were looking for. It just felt a bit silly looking back, that so many of the book focusses on one thing and in the end it seems like it doesn’t matter, ofcourse the characters don’t know that, but it just felt a bit off. And I just missed the emotional bang at the end, but maybe that’s just me. There was an epilogue, but it doesn’t really show us how things are now 3 years later it only shows one individual scene. I guess I just wanted more, to see where things are heading? The ending is very realistic and that’s also one thing I liked, everything isn’t neatly wrapped up and not everyone get’s their happy ending. The ending did fit the story.The romance always has been one of my favourite aspects of this series and I loved that in this book as well. I felt a bit sad that Jiro didn’t pay more attention to Sanaa at the beginning and didn’t realize what she was going through, but she did hide it well. Their connection is strong and while the romance is pretty on the back burning, there are still some very sweet scenes and I just love this couple. They deserve so much more than what they get from the world. I also like how Jiro keeps standing beside Sanaa, even when everything goes wrong and the odds are stacked against them, he stays at her side. I just loved that and what they have together is so precious.There are some things added in terms of world building, mostly related to the animals and the new city they visit in this books. It helps build Yusei and gives us a more complete picture of this continent and the people who live here. There was also some focus on how the different people saw Sanaa, her grandfather and Fujiwara. I thought it was great that even the last book in the series still adds new things to the world.To conclude: I loved this book and it is a good ending, but I just hoped for something more concerning the ending. Sanaa goes through a lot in this book, it’s hard to see at times and she ends up sacrificing so much. I hardly recognize her when I remember her in the first book. This book has a lot of sad events, loses and changes that hit the characters hard. It was a a bit depressing at times, but there were also some happy moments, I just wished for more of those. Sanaa and Jiro their relationship was great and I love how the stand strong together. I just hoped for more for them, they deserve more. I had some trouble remembering who was who at times because it’s been awhile since I read the previous books and made sure you have the map close by when reading this book. There was a twists with the animals that I loved and it added an interesting perspective. All in all I really enjoyed this book, but I had hoped for a happier ending, even though this is a good ending and staying true to the world and realistic at the same time. I just hoped for more for these characters as they deserve more. Most things were too hard, but things at the end seemed a bit too easy. This is a great series and I would recommend it to everyone who loves a good sci-fi book with some romance thrown in that doesn’t take over the plot, but is one of my favourite aspects of the book.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I'm terribly sad it's the last By Laura Taylor Yet another winner in the Nogiku series! I'm terribly sad it's the last. This story goes places I never expected, and wonderfully at that. There were heartbreaking moments - yes, I cried - and an entire (new!) plot line related to the animals that was just filled with whimsy and wonder. I absolutely loved that part. (And now I want an owl...) The heartbreaking moments certainly outnumbered the happy moments in this book and I was left feeling horribly sad for Sanaa most of the time. She sacrifices so much over the course of the series, particularly in this book, you just want her to catch a break and she almost never does.The endings of good books always make me sad and this was no exception, but it did wrap up nicely, if not entirely tidily. (Nor should it - endings are rarely tidy! It had a very real-world feel to it.) I think perhaps I expected a trifle more from the ending, but I've no notion what that would have been. Maybe just because I wanted the story to go on forever!I highly recommend the whole series!I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Love this series! By Karen Loved this book! Loved this series! And now I'm a bit sad that this series has ended. This post-apocalyptic book set on a new world, along with the Japanese cultures and sci-fi technology, was exactly my cup of tea!Sanaa, the MC, goes through so many difficult losses and it seems that just when she seems to find a bit of happiness, the author throws yet another punishing scenario at her. But Sanaa being Sanaa, overcomes each experience in her Sanaa way.My absolute favorite parts in this book, which weren't in any of the others and therefore made this book in the series a standout for me, were the animals. OHMYWORD, the animals!!! If you are in any way an animal lover, then I think you should read this series just so you can get to book 4!So, in ending, I really love the writing style of Pajonas and am looking forward to whatever she comes up with next in the sci-fi realm!I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas
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Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas
Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas
Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas
Reclaimed (The Nogiku Series Book 4), by S. J. Pajonas