The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge
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The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge

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Though the apostle Paul boldly proclaimed “Christ crucified” as the heart of the gospel, Fleming Rutledge notes that preaching about the cross of Christ is remarkably neglected in most churches today. In this book Rutledge addresses the issues and controversies that have caused pastors to speak of the cross only in the most general, bland terms, precluding a full understanding and embrace of the gospel by their congregations. Countering our contemporary tendency to bypass Jesus’ crucifixion, Rutledge in these pages examines in depth all the various themes and motifs used by the New Testament evangelists and apostolic writers to explain the meaning of the cross of Christ. She mines the classical writings of the Church Fathers, the medieval scholastics, and the Reformers as well as more recent scholarship, while bringing them all into contemporary context. Widely known for her preaching, Rutledge seeks to encourage preachers, teachers, and anyone else interested in what Christians believe to be the central event of world history.
The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge - Amazon Sales Rank: #59626 in Books
- Published on: 2015-11-23
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.10" h x 1.70" w x 6.10" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 696 pages
The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge Review Academy of Parish Clergy 2015 Reference Book of the YearStanley Hauerwas — Duke Divinity School “This is a work of a lifetime that could only be written by someone who has lived a life determined by the cross.” Scot McKnight— author of The Jesus Creed “In this amazingly complex but clear book Fleming Rutledge goes deftly where few seem willing to go — to the variety of imaginations shaping early Christian explorations of the significance of Jesus’ death. She is one of the few theologians who not only preach inclusivism but practice it by inviting all points of view into the discussion.” Marilyn McCord Adams — Rutgers University "To those who think they want a maximally mellow God who overlooks our faults and accepts us just as we are, Rutledge's challenge is to 'get real.' Twentieth-century atrocities bear witness: there is something drastically wrong with the human condition, which only God can fix. Setting things right calls for crucifixion, not only Christ's but also ours. Rutledge has given us a very Pauline book, full of information and observations to provoke clergy to preach the cross to their congregations.” Leanne Van Dyk — Columbia Theological Seminary “Before we can get to the glorious resurrection, we must take full account of the tragic necessity of the cross. . . . Penetrating and unflinching in its insistence on Jesus Christ, condemned, crucified, dead, and buried, this book powerfully demonstrates that the crucifixion of the Son of God is good news of cosmic and comprehensive scope.” Richard J. Mouw — Fuller Theological Seminary “Though I have been thinking much about the cross of Christ for a half-century now, Fleming Rutledge has taught me many new things in this wonderful book. And where she addresses matters that I have long cherished, she has inspired me anew. This book is a gift to all of us who pray for a genuine revival of crucicentric preaching and cruciform discipleship!” Larry W. Hurtado — University of Edinburgh “Demonstrating impressively wide reading, incisive observations, and a passionate concern for clear thinking and faithful preaching, this book is a big read but well worth the effort, especially for clergy — but also for thoughtful laity.”George Hunsinger — Princeton Theological Seminary “After publishing numerous books of powerful sermons, remarkable for their biblical depth and their contemporary relevance, Fleming Rutledge has now produced this profound volume on the saving significance of Christ’s death. She makes the welcome argument that Christus Victor themes need to be counterbalanced by priestly elements like substitution and expiation. . . . Here is the kind of strong theology that will undergird strong preaching. Preachers who take this book to heart could well revitalize the church.” Katherine Sonderegger — Virginia Theological Seminary “Fleming Rutledge here lays out the horror of the cross with unflinching honesty and with a patient, full exposition of the rich themes of Christ’s redeeming death. She does not shy away from the demands of her theological vision, taking up motifs of satisfaction, substitution, rectification, and divine wrath in turn. Throughout, Rutledge draws on the rich storehouse of a preacher. The whole world stands under her gaze — literary examples, political folly and cruelty, horrendous evils of war and torment and torture, religious timidity and self-deception, human faithlessness and sin. But always the gospel rings out. Christ’s cross has won the victory, and it is all from God. This book is a moving testimony to the courage, intelligence, and faithfulness of one of the church’s premier preachers. Every student of the Scriptures needs this book.” John D. Witvliet — Calvin Institute of Christian Worship “A deeply probing and richly evocative exploration of the central mystery of the Christian faith. This is a book to contemplate, to savor, to reread. It promises to nourish renewed Christian preaching, a new generation of Christian poets and hymnwriters, and ministries of witness, evangelism, pastoral care, worship, and Christian education that brim with doxological testimonies about the counter-intuitive, counter-cultural reality of Jesus’ life-giving death. It is easy to glibly repeat Paul’s claim that Jesus’ death is a scandal and stumbling block. It is quite something else to let that claim transform how you perceive the world and the triune God who created it. This book confronts all that is glib and evokes that life-giving transformation.” Philip G. Ziegler — University of Aberdeen “To read this book is to share in a work of joyful, honest, evangelical thinking done right at the foot of the pulpit steps for the sake of the one thing that finally matters in the church — the hearing and proclamation of the word of the cross in all its scandalous power.”Mark Galli — editor of Christianity Today “I can hardly think of a book more necessary for our time. Many well-meaning attempts to summarize the good news today barely allude to the cross, and we’re left with an anemic if not a false gospel. Read, mark, and inwardly digest this book if you want to learn about the cross that truly rectifies the ungodly, even the likes of you and me.”Paul Scott Wilson — University of Toronto “In beautiful flowing words, Fleming Rutledge encourages the church to get over its often embarrassed silence on the crucifixion. Her immediate accomplishment is brilliant. She recovers a rich array of biblical images relating to Christ’s death and places them within the final stages of a drama in which God is the principal actor and humanity has a vital role. Persistent readers will find their hearts transformed. Preachers will be emboldened to speak more frequently of the cross, contributing to the gospel renewal of the church.” Nicholas Wolterstorff — Yale University “The word that came to my mind as I read Fleming Rutledge’s book The Crucifixion was ‘bracing’: the book is bracing in its vigorous affirmation of the centrality of Christ’s crucifixion in the Christian proclamation, bracing in its description of the unspeakable horror and shame of the crucifixion, bracing in its affirmation that we are one and all sinners, bracing in its identification and rejection of the many forms of theological silliness now inhabiting the church. Though meant for pastors and laypeople, this book will also benefit scholars. It carries its deep learning with eloquence and grace. I will be returning to it.”J. Louis Martyn † — Union Theological Seminary “In the crucifixion we sense anew the intersection at which Christian drama and Christian dogma meet one another with announcements that are emphatically universal and nothing less than cosmic. At that intersection we are truly fortunate to have the voice of Fleming Rutledge, one of the most gifted theological preachers of our time. In her writing we encounter the confluence of high drama and arresting dogma, as they work together to strengthen the preacher and provide a high-protein diet that will nourish the congregation to vigorous health.”Stephen Westerholm — McMaster University “If churches of the twenty-first century are to bear any relation to those of the first, then the cross of Christ must return to the center of their proclamation and life: that, in essence, is the message of Fleming Rutledge’s Crucifixion, a book that should serve to mediate much contemporary biblical scholarship on the subject to ministers and other interested readers. Unlike a good deal of that scholarship, however, Rutledge treats a variety of New Testament motifs that speak to the salvific effects of Christ’s death, refusing to allow any one motif to so dominate the discussion as to exclude the others. Richly illustrated with examples from literature and current events, this book should prove a gold mine for preachers at the same time as it invites the careful reflection of every reader on the mystery of salvation.”David Bentley Hart — author of The Beauty of the Infinite and Atheist Delusions “Rutledge’s work on the crucifixion is not only broad but also deep. Thought-provoking, often moving, this book offers a genuinely novel approach to a topic on which it often seems nothing new can be said.” Robert W. Jenson — Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology “This justly celebrated preacher has been digging into the doctrine of atonement for many years. Here is the rich harvest of her labors — a resource especially for preachers like herself.”Douglas Harink — The King’s University, Edmonton, Canada “In this bold, uncompromising, nuanced, and expansive work Rutledge takes us through — and beyond — theories of atonement, avoiding all merely individualistic, spiritualized, religious, moralistic, and therapeutic reductions of the meaning of the crucifixion. Rutledge resolutely proclaims the truth of Christ crucified. To all priests, preachers, and professors: if you care about the church and its mission in history, read this book!”Joseph Mangina — University of Toronto “‘Who put the roses on the cross?’ asked Goethe, who in fact preferred that the brutal cross be covered in roses. Fleming Rutledge brushes the roses aside and asks us to look at the cross and, even more so, at Him who hung upon it for our sake. This is a book marked by outstanding exegesis, theology, and pastoral sensitivity — a book for thinking Christians and even thinking unbelievers.” Martinus C. de Boer— VU University Amsterdam“In this thoroughly readable book, preacher-theologian Fleming Rutledge demonstrates that she is also a fine exegete. She brings recent scholarship on Paul’s apocalyptic theology (in particular the work of J. Louis Martyn) fruitfully to bear in her profound and far-ranging theological reflections on the crucifixion. Through careful exegetical study of the Bible in dialogue with a range of interpreters, she has produced a book that merits a wide readership among theologians, biblical scholars, and preachers.” Christopher Morse — Union Theological Seminary “In the rich tradition of the preacher-theologian, Fleming Rutledge in her own incisive voice gives testimony to the rectifying significance of Christ’s crucifixion with detailed exposition that is at once deeply reflective and full of deep conviction. From a wealth of scholarly references and observations ranging from Scripture, the history of church imagery and its critics, literature, modern theology, and the daily news, readers will find much to ponder in this commendably studied yet vitally proclamatory gospel treatise.”Arne Rasmusson — University of Gothenburg, Sweden “In this remarkable study of the cross Fleming Rutledge weaves together many metaphors, motifs, and themes into a hermeneutically well-reasoned synthesis. She has mastered an incredible amount of material, including biblical scholarship, the history of theology, and contemporary systematic theology. And she is a master communicator. This is a great book.”Dirk Smit — University of Stellenbosch, South Africa “Fleming Rutledge’s reputation as a preacher is widely known, her rhetorical skills — of logos, ethos, and pathos; of content, engagement, and passion — widely respected. This treatment of the crucifixion — the fruit of almost two decades, and indeed of a lifelong journey — could in fact also be read as one long sermon. . . . What does it mean to say that Jesus Christ died for us? Honestly facing her own resistance to many traditional and contemporary framings of this question, Rutledge consults widely and delves deeply into biblical, historical, and interpretive material in search of her own answers....Informing, reminding, critiquing, illustrating, unmasking, challenging, reassuring, encouraging, and inspiring, Rutledge writes for both preachers and listeners. The question Will it preach? is in fact her major concern. The answer can only be a resounding and grateful Yes!”
About the Author Fleming Rutledge is an Episcopal priest widely recognized in North America and the UK as a preacher, lecturer, and teacher of other preachers. Her published sermon collections, most recently And God Spoke to Abraham: Preaching from the Old Testament, have received acclaim across denominational lines. Among her other books are The Bible and The New York Times, Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Sermons from Paul’s Letter to the Romans, and The Battle for Middle-earth: Tolkien’s Divine Design in The Lord of the Rings.

Where to Download The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge
Most helpful customer reviews
10 of 13 people found the following review helpful. Understanding the death of Jesus.... By Lois Sibley Remember those days when women couldn't preach or write books of their own sermons? Amazing, what they do today! Fleming Rutledge is one of those women who has been given freedom to both preach and provide collections of her sermons. She is a well-known Episcopal priest, and preacher throughout North America and the UK. Rutledge has a new book, The Crucifixion, Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ---from Eerdmans. Her books have been appreciated across denominational lines and this one will be no exception. But this one is different, It's not sermons, but it's about Jesus.Among Rutledge's goals for this book are to "expand the discussion about what happened on the cross of Christ" and "to encourage the return of that subject to the center of Christian proclamation." She has designed her book for "potential readers, both lay and ordained, Catholic and Protestant, and for members of all denominations." She doesn't want to leave anyone out and she does have in mind "busy pastors, lay people who want to understand their faith better, seminary students, and especially those who are 'drawn to the figure on the cross,'" but are not sure what to believe about him.Her book has two parts. Part 1 is called The Crucifixion, and sections are on the primacy of the Cross, godlessness, questions of justice, a special section on Anselm and his story for our time, and finally the gravity of sin. Part 2 is called The Biblical Motifs and she discusses many phrases, dominant ideas, and central themes and how those who were there interacted, and some later wrote what they were feeling and thinking about Christ on the cross.Rutledge asserts that "the crucifixion is the most important historical event that has ever happened," and the "resurrection ratifies the cross as the way 'until he comes."' There is also much good information about the four Gospels and the letters of Paul. Without Paul, Rutledge says that we might struggle to understand the parables and other happenings in the Gospels. She advises that this quote from Paul can be our hearts' comfort and joy: "Christ lives in me, and the life I now by faith in the son of God, who loves me and gave himself for me" (Gal. 2:20, NRSV).---Lois Sibley,
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Well worth it. By Emma I highly recommend this book. As someone with a theology degree but who does not particularly enjoy reading systematic theology (ahem, Barth) I found this very accessible, thought provoking, and enjoyable. It it also a rare 'academic' book in that it truly embraces both the best of academic theology and preaching/pastoral experience and thus offers an integrated perspective that can be hard to find. I also like the way she navigates between so-called progressive and orthodox perspectives and is not afraid to ask the more confronting questions that both liberals and conservatives avoid.This would be a great book for preachers looking to nuance their theological preaching, a theological book discussion group, or someone looking to update their theological reading if it has been a while since seminary.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Wonderfully written from a whole Bible perspective By Connie White Wonderfully written from a whole Bible perspective. THOROUGH exegesis. I have to read it slowly to absorb the information, but highly recommend it for anyone who wants to understand the part of Jesus and the Trinity in His execution on our behalf.
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The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge
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The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge
The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge
The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge
The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ, by Fleming Rutledge