Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel
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Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel

Best PDF Ebook Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel
Your view of God determines your view of the world.You hold in your hands a landmark guide to understanding the ideas and forces shaping our times. Understanding the Times offers a fascinating, comprehensive look at the how the tenets of the Christian worldview compares with the five major competing worldviews of our day: Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxism, New Age, and Postmodernism.Understanding the Times is a systematic way to understand the ideas that rule our world. While the material is expansive, the engaging, easy-to-understand writing style invites you to discover the truths of God – and our world. This classic should be on the shelf of every Christian home, on the desk of every pastor, and in the hands of every Christian student headed off to college.
Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel - Amazon Sales Rank: #47782 in Books
- Published on: 2015-09-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.00" h x 1.94" w x 7.50" l, 2.78 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 640 pages
Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel About the Author Over the last 20 years Dr. Jeff Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development and has equipped thousands of people to champion the Christian worldview. In addition to authoring Grow Together, Cultivate, and Handoff, The founder and retired president of Summit Ministries, David Noebel is an author, editor, public speaker, ordained minister, and recognized expert in worldview analysis and spirituality in Western Civilization.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. An Essential Read for Making Sense of Our World By Jacob Prahlow Every so often a book comes along and truly rewrites the paradigms of a field. Some twenty-five years ago, David Noebel penned such a book, titled Understanding the Times. In this 900-page tome Noebel outlined the clash between competing worldviews – ways of viewing and interpreting the world – which were occurring throughout in the late 20th century. The original edition of UTT was one of the most popular and influential books ever on culture and worldviews from a Christian perspective, transforming how many people understand the battle of ideas taking place in our times. But the contours of major worldviews have changed since 1991 and the world has changed along with them. To address this new worldviews context, Jeff Myers, in conjunction with David Noebel, undertook a substantial revision of Noebel’s classic work, now called Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews (Manitou Springs, CO: Summit Ministries and Colorado Springs: David C. Cook, 2015. 510pp.).The fundamental premise of UTT is that ideas have consequences, and that understanding important worldview[1] ideas helps make sense of and make a difference in the world. This volume examines six major worldviews – Christianity, Islam, Secularism, Marxism, New Spirituality, and Postmodernism – through consideration of what each worldview says about fundamental categories of human thought and life – theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, psychology, sociology, law, politics, economics, and history. The perspective embodied within UTT remains firmly orthodox in its Christianity, calling readers to learn, discern, and live their faiths. Myers and Noebel do not reject the non-Christian worldviews they examine outright, but call readers to recognizing the deficiencies of these perspectives and the sufficiency of Christ and the Christian view of the world.Chapter one masterfully sets the terms of the conversation, outlines the importance a worldview makes, argues for the vitality of understanding before engagement, and provides an overview of the worldviews and topics to be discussed throughout the duration of the volume. Central to the framing of this entire work is the idea that understanding the truth about non-Christian worldviews will ultimately confirm the truth of the Christian worldview. The next six chapters offer overviews of Christianity, Islam, Secularism, Marxism, New Spirituality, and Postmodernism. These are neither short summaries nor easy dismissals of these viewpoints, but instead offer extensive engagement with the central beliefs, practices, and perspectives of these ultimately “religious”[2] views of the world. Where some apologetics-oriented books fail to take seriously the claims of non-Christian systems, UTT engages deeply and seriously the coherence and concerns of these worldviews systems.The next ten chapters offer in-depth examinations of what each worldview has to say about the realms of theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, psychology, sociology, law, politics, economics, and history. Each section includes an introduction to and history of the subject at hand, followed by consideration of what Secularism, Marxism, Postmodernism, New Spirituality, Islam, and Christianity have to say about said topic. Not only do these chapters helpfully define the parameters of the field being discussed and provide accurate summaries of what each worldview holds, but each chapter also concludes with additional insights from the Christian worldview. For example, the chapter on politics opens with some remarks on the history and practicality of thinking politically and then launches into what each worldview says about politics and that field’s scope and importance. After the summaries are complete, there is a section on the five possible Christian responses to politics (from “don’t be involved” to “Christians should take over”) and then a question and answer section on biblical responses to various political questions.The final chapter offers concluding remarks, not only for the entire UTT project but also for each worldview and topic examined. Ultimately, the tests of reason, outer world, inner world, and the real world confirm what Myers and Noebel have been arguing throughout this book: that the Christian worldview – rooted in Christ, not necessarily in individual Christians – best explains reality. Ideas have consequences for the real world. Accordingly, those with the best ideas – the Christian worldview – ought to be informed about the world and engaged in every area of society. The final chapter does a fine job conveying the overarching value of UTT as a cumulative resource for understanding today’s most influential systems of thought, concisely and accurately presenting those ideas, and offering legitimate responses from a Christian perspective.If UTT misses covering anything, it is Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. While the sections on New Spirituality begin to introduce readers to these world religions, simply not enough information has been presented here to offer Christians a coherent picture of or response to these large and growing religious traditions. Eastern religions were missing from the older version of UTT as well and these religions are less influential in the Western and American contexts than elsewhere in the world, so this lacuna remains entirely understandable. One other quibble involves the lack of “suggested reading” sections for the plethora of topics examined in this book. While the endnotes for each chapter functionally serve this purpose, an easily accessible list of resources for further investigation would have been a great addition to an already masterful volume.Overall, UTT offers a foundational perspective for Christians trying to make sense of this world and provides compelling evidence for why the Christian worldview offers the most accurate view of True Reality. Accordingly, UTT comes highly recommended for anyone capable of reading, especially Christians interested in making sense of this world and impacting it for Christ. This work would make an especially valuable read for high schoolers and college students who are (or will shortly be) regularly interacting with other visions of the world. Pastors and other Christians who fill roles of discernment and leadership will also learn much from this book. This reviewer has kept an older version of UTT on his bookshelf since 2009, and he looks forward to placing this volume right next to it and consulting it regularly. The value of this book can hardly be overstated: it is simply a must read.Understanding the Times stands an important call to think deeply and truly about God, the world, and the ideas at work in the world. As an early example makes clear, Myers and Noebel are not interested in Christians indoctrinating themselves and eschewing the world. Rather, this book serves as a call to learn about the world and then impact the world for Christ. For it is only after we have understood the times that we may hope to influence them.[1] UTT defines worldview as “a pattern of ideas but also a pattern of beliefs, convictions, and habits that help us make sense of God, the world, and our relationship to God and the world.” In essence, worldviews answer ultimate questions through the description of and prescription for the world.[2] Insofar as all worldviews have things to say about God and ultimate reality, they contain religious (theological) claims.I received this book from Summit Ministries in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. For more reviews like this one, please visit www.pursuingveritas.com
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Worldview From A Christian Perspective By Michelle Kidwell Understanding the TimesA Survey of Competing Worldviewsby Jeff MyersDavid C CookChristian, Religion & SpiritualityPub Date Sep 1, 2015In this book Jeff Myers points out that often people get their beliefs the same way we catch a virus by being around others.We are reminded too that ideas have consequences (good or bad). We are reminded too that ideas spread like viruses, ( which is how occults can grow so quickly) and hold a grip on those who carry those extremist beliefs. Myers also points out that Christianity offers a narrative of all history. Myers also pointed out that a major dividing line between Christian and non Christian worldviews is this…What do we do with Jesus? As is pointed out in Understanding the Times “Either Christians correctly describe reality when they speak of a loving, wise, just, personal, creative God, or they are talking nonsense. The basic tenets of the Bible cannot blend well with the non-Christian claim that we are good enough to save ourselves. We say only one view fits the facts: Christianity. God, Creator of the universe, saw its importance, loved it, loved us, so that he sent his son to redeem it— and us. Clearly, adherents of other worldviews strongly disagree with our conclusion that only Christianity fits the facts.” MyersMyers reminds us too that the Christian worldviews lies solely on Jesus Christ. We (as Christians) serve a Personal God. The Christian story is that of a personal relational God. “The Christian worldview gives meaning to human existence right from the start when God declares, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen. 1: 26).” Myers.We are reminded too that “It will never be lawful to be ourselves, until we become like Sons and daughters of God.”On September 11, 2001 the world became painfully aware of the radical side of Islam when terrorists attacked the United States in the name of the Jihad.Myers describes Secularism as an atheisic and materialistic worldview that advocates for a society free of religion. He later reminds us that Secularism is more than a disbelief in God it is a belief in looking at life in a way that does not include God or religion.In Chapter Five of Understanding the Times Jeff Myers defines Marksism as this “Marxism: an atheistic and materialistic worldview based on the ideas of Karl Marx that promotes the abolition of private property, public ownership of the means of production (i.e., socialism), and the utopian dream of a future communistic state.”. But we should not be fooled because despite what many believe Marksismcan be considered a worldview. And many do not see this worldview as dangerous but that too is a mistake.Myers describes what Marksism teaches later in Chapter Five “The overarching Marxist narrative culminates in class equality through economic revolution. The exploiters— those who control the means of production (i.e., those who own businesses and employ people) lord it over the exploited (i.e., those who do manual labor, who do not have an ownership stake in their workplaces , or who do work but do not own their workplaces). Overthrowing the exploiters will free the exploited; we’ll all be happier if we are all the same.”In Chapter Six Myers goes on to define New Spirrituality “New Spirituality: a pantheistic worldview that teaches everything and everyone are connected through divine consciousness.”. In New Spirituality everything is Spiritual and we all are God’s.In the chapters to follow Myers goes on to give us a look at Postmodernism, theology, and even Philosophy. Even Ethics is discussed in this book. Biology, psychology and Sociology are also discussed. Law and Politics are addressed as well. Economics and it’s relationships to the different world views are discussed as well.The Subject of History and the often opposing worldviews is discussed.If you are looking for a book written from a Christian perspective that deals with the often opposing Worldviews then Understanding the Times by Jeff Myers is just the ticket.Five out of five stars…Happy Reading
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. one-star rating is for the very poor Kindle formatting of this book By KDI In agreement with Arnold Williams' review, my one-star rating is for the very poor Kindle formatting of this book, not its content. The main text is in a grey font; only the footnote callers, the footnote text, and the pull quotes are in black font. The gray text is difficult to read (on a Paperwhite 1), so my eyes and head felt strained after only about fifteen minutes of reading. There is no way I could persevere through a 640-page book like that, so I returned it for a refund the next day.Two other things indicated that this Kindle version was carelessly converted: There is no link to the table of contents from the Go To menu; and footnotes appeared in various ways -- sometimes one footnote in-line, sometimes multiple footnotes joined together as one footnote in-line, and sometimes by jumping to the footnote page itself (not in-line).Such poor quality is unprofessional and inexcusable. When publishers convert books to Kindle, I wish they would use staff who are themselves Kindle users so they will know what to look for in the final product.
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Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel
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Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel
Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel
Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews, by Dr. Jeff Myers, David A. Noebel